🙋 The Little Man Stack Machine

The LMSM Instruction Cycle

As a Von Neumann machine, the LMSM follows a simple Instruction Cycle, identical to the instruction cycle of the LMC:

  1. The value in the memory location pointed to by the program_counter register is retrieved from memory and placed in the current_instruction register.
  2. The program counter is incremented by one.
  3. The instruction is executed.
  4. The cycle is repeated.

This simple loop is the basis for computation on the LMSM and, in a broad sense, of many of the computers we use today.

Instructions, when executed, update the state of the computer in some manner: moving a value between memory locations and registers, updating registers, outputing data, etc.

Example Execution

In order to understand how execution works, let's step through a cycle of execution in detail. Consider an LMSM whose program_counter is set to 0 and who has the following numeric values in the first three slots in memory:

Cycle 1

Execution would begin by retrieving instruction from memory slot 0, which is where the program_counter initially points to and placing it in the current_instruction register:

Next, the program_counter value is incremented from 0 to 1, so that it points to the next instruction in memory:

Next, the instruction is executed. In this case, the instruction is 401, which tells the LMSM to place the value 1 into the accumulator register. (We will go over exactly what each instruction means in the next section.)

This completes a single instruction cycle for the LMSM. The LMSM then starts again from the beginning of the cycle and repeats the same logic.

Cycle 2

This time the program_counter is pointing to slot 1, so the instruction 902 is loaded into the current_instruction register and the program_counter is incremented to the value 2. The 902 instruction tells the LMSM to print the current value of the accumulator register to output.

Once again, the cycle repeats.

Cycle 3

Now the program_counter is pointing to slot 2, so the instruction 000 is loaded into the current_instruction register and the program_counter is incremented to the value 3.

The 000 instruction tells the LMSM to halt, and so it stops executing.

A Completed Program!

The program above prints the number 1 to output. It might not look like much, but this is the "Hello World" of LMSM, and it demonstrates the basic operation mechanics of the system.

LMSM Instructions

In the program above we executed LMSM machine instructions to achieve something. In this section we will go over all the instructions available and what they do.

The first thing to bear in mind is that LMSM instructions are stored in LMSM memory as "regular" data. There is no distinction between "instructions" and "data". Just like any other piece of data in the LMSM, instructions are numeric values between -999 and 999.

Let's look at the available instructions.

LMC Instructions

The LMSM supports the following instructions, which are all taken, unchanged, from the LCM:

Machine Code Assembly Instruction Description
1XX ADD <XX> Adds the value located in memory at position XX to the value of the accumulator.
2XX SUB <XX> Subtracts the value located in memory at position XX to the value of the accumulator.
3XX STA <XX> Stores the value of the accumulator to the memory location at position XX
5XX LDA <XX> Loads the value of the memory location at position XX into the accumulator.
6XX BRA <XX> Unconditionally sets the program counter to the given value
7XX BRZ <XX> Sets the program counter to the given value if and only if the value of the accumulator is 0
8XX BRP <XX> Sets the program counter to the given value if and only if the value of the accumulator is 0 or a number greater than 0
901 INP Gets a numeric value from the user and stores it in the accumulator
902 OUT Prints the current value of the accumulator to output
000 HLT Halts the system, ending the execution loop
DAT <XXX> An assembler-only instruction that allows a program to insert a raw value into a given memory location

Because the LMSM supports all these instructions, a LMC program will execute on the LMSM. The LMSM is backwards compatible with the LMC, which is a very common situation in CPU evolution: as CPUs developed, old code often continued to work on the new CPUs.

The "Load Immediate" Instruction

In addition to these standard LMC instructions, the LMSM also supports an "immediate" instruction to load a value directly into the accumulator. We saw this instruction in our simple "Hello World" program:

Machine Code Assembly Instruction Description
4XX LDI <XX> Loads the numeric value XX directly into the accumulator.

Stack Instructions

The most significant addition to the LMC model in the LMSM is the addition of several instructions for working with the new stacks available in upper memory:

Machine Code Assembly Instruction Description
920 SPUSH "Pushes" the value of the accumulator onto the top of the value stack, by decrementing the stack_pointer register by 1 and then copying the value from the accumulator to the memory location that the stack_pointer points to.
921 SPOP "Pops" the value off top of the value stack into the accumulator by copying the value in the memory location that the stack_pointer points to the accumulator and then incrementing the stack_pointer.
922 SDUP "Duplicates" the top of the value stack by decrementing the value of the stack_pointer and then copying the value directly above the memory location that the stack_pointer points to to the memory location that the stack_pointer points to.
923 SDROP "Drops" the top of the value stack by incrementing the value of the stack_pointer.
924 SSWAP "Swaps" the top of the value stack by swapping the value in the memory location directly above the memory location that the stack_pointer points to with the value in the memory location that the stack_pointer points to.
930 SADD Removes the top two values on the stack, adds them together and places the result onto the stack.
931 SSUB Removes the top two values on the stack, subtracts them and places the result onto the stack.
932 SMUL Removes the top two values on the stack, multiplies them and places the result onto the stack.
933 SDIV Removes the top two values on the stack, divides them and places the result onto the stack.
934 SMAX Removes the top two values on the stack, and places the maximum of the two values back on the stack.
935 SMIN Removes the top two values on the stack, and places the minimum of the two values back on the stack.
910 JAL The "Jump And Link" instruction updates the program counter to the value that the stack pointer currently points to and then increases the value of the return address register by one and saves the address of the next instruction after the "Jump And Link".
911 RET The "Return" instruction updates the program counter to the value that the return address pointer currently points to and then decreases the value of the return address register by one.

Assembly Instruction Examples

Let's look at the mechanics for a few instructions on the LMSM to get a feel for how things work.

The ADD Instruction

The ADD assembly instruction takes a two digit argument and tells the LMSM to add the value at that memory location to the accumulator.

Consider the assembly ADD 10. This would assemble down to the machine instruction 110.

If this instruction were loaded into memory and ready to execute, the LSMS would look like this:

Note that the program counter is pointing to the instruction after the ADD machine instruction, and the ADD machine instruction has been loaded into current instruction register. The LMSM is ready to execute the instruction and continue.

Note also that the value stored in memory location 10 is the value 20, and that the accumulator currently has the value 22.

Once the instruction has executed the value 20 has been added to the accumulator, giving the value 42.

The LMSM then moves on to the next instruction.

The BRZ Instruction

The BRZ assembly instruction takes a two digit argument and tells the LMSM to "jump" to that memory location if the accumulator is zero. This is an example of assembly control flow, allowing the LMSM to conditionally execute code depending on the state of data.

Consider the assembly BRZ 10. This would assemble down to the machine instruction 710.

If this instruction were loaded into memory and ready to execute, the LSMS would look like this:

Note that the program counter is pointing to the instruction after the BRZ machine instruction, and the BRZ machine instruction has been loaded into current instruction register.

The accumulator currently has the value 0, so the condition to make the jump is true.

Once the instruction has executed, because the accumulator had the value 0, the program counter has been updated to point to the instruction at memory position 10, which has the value 000.

The value 000 tells the LMSM to halt, so this BRZ instruction is effectively telling the LSMS: "Stop executing if the accumulator is zero."

The SPUSH Instruction

The next instruction we are going to look at is the SPUSH instruction, which takes the current value of the accumulator and "pushes" it onto the top of the value stack.

Note that the stack pointer starts with the value 200, indicating that there are no values on the stack, and that the accumulator starts with the value 22. This latter value will be the value "pushed" onto the stack.

The first step in the push operation is to decrement the stack pointer register by 1 to 199. This will be the memory location that the LMSM stores the value into.

The second step in the push operation is to move the value of the accumulator into the memory location that the stack pointer points to.

At this point, the LMSM is done: the value 22 has been "pushed" onto the top of the value stack. If another SPUSH were to occur, the new value would be located in the next slot down from this, effectively "growing" the value stack downwards.

The SADD Instruction

The final instruction we are going to look at is the SADD instruction, which adds the top two values on the value stack together and replaces them with the result.

Note that in this case the stack pointer starts with the value 198, and that there are two values on the stack, 5 and 8, with 8 being on the top of the stack.

The first step in execution is to add the two values together, producing the value 13 and placing it in the slot just above the current stack pointer.

The next step in execution is to increment the stack pointer to 199. This step effectively drops the top value 8 from the stack, leaving 13, the result of the addition, at the top of the stack.

Note also that the 8 value is not zero'd out: it is no longer relevant since the stack pointer is "above" (or, if you like, "below" it).

At this point, the LMSM is done with this instruction: the top two values have been "popped" off the stack, added and the result has been "pushed" onto it.

DAT Assembly Instructions

The DAT assembly instruction tells the LMSM assembler: "Put the value following me directly into the memory spot I correspond with.

Consider the following LMSM Assembly program:

The DAT assembly instruction tells the assembler to place the raw value 1 into the memory location that the instruction corresponds to. In this case, the value 1 is placed in memory location 4, since that is the memory slot that corresponds with the DAT assembly instruction.

The DAT assembly instruction lets programmers save numbers in memory for use in their programs. In this case, the program asks the user for input, adds the value 1 to it (even though the second instruction reads ADD 4, remember that means "Add the value in memory location 4 to the accumulator") and then outputs the result.


Labels are a feature of LMSM that let programmers use symbolic, rather than absolute, locations when writing assembly. In the previous example, the ADD instruction had a hard-coded reference to memory location 4.

But what if we added another instruction, say another ADD, to add the number twice:

Now we are in a bad spot! The ADD 4 instructions reference memory location 4, but that holds the HLT instruction, which has the value 0. So we are now inadvertently adding the value 0 to the accumulator twice!

We could fix this by updating the two instructions to be ADD 5, but it would get annoying if, every time we changed the program, we had to go back and edit all these instructions. What would be better is if we could give a particular instruction a symbolic name and then let the assembler figure out the location that the instruction ends up at.

This is exactly what labels give us. Any assembly instruction, including DAT instructions, can be labeled with a prefix, and then referred to by other instructions via that prefix.

Let's give the DAT instruction the label ONE, since it holds the value 1 for use in our program:

We prefix the DAT instruction with the label ONE and then update the ADD instructions to refer to that label, rather than fixed positions in memory. Now the assembler goes through the trouble of figuring exactly where the value 1 ends up in memory, and generates the correct machine instructions for the ADD assembly instructions.

Much nicer!


In addition to the "real" assembly instructions above, LMSM assembly supports two "pseudo-instructions". Pseudo-instructions are assembly instructions that are valid assembly, but that do not correspond directly to a single machine instruction.

Pseudo-instructions are included in the LMSM to make assembly programming more convenient and because they are common in other more realistic assembly languages, particularly RISC-based languages like MIPS.

Pseudo-Instruction Assembly Instructions Description
This pseudo-instruction pushes the immediate value given onto the stack, compiling down to two real instructions
This pseudo-instruction pushes the address of a function onto the stack and then jump-and-links to it

Loops & Conditionals In LMSM

To understand how loops and conditionals work in LMSM, let's look at a classic LMC program that asks a user for input and then counts down:

    ONE DAT 1

Here is each line explained:

So, this program will ask the user for a number and then print out a count-down from that number to 0. The conditional branch on line 3 gives us the conditional, akin to an if statement in a higher level programming language. The unconditional branch on line 6 is what makes the code "loop".

Function Calls

The last major bit of functionality to understand about the LMSM is how function calls work. This topic is sufficiently complicated and important as to deserve its own section, which you can find here.